Camilla Wolff, founder

Professional & Passionate
Reliable & Competent
My background
+20 years in management and sales is the background for the professionalism and experience I bring into my work as a business partner.
I am passionate about working with people and see the development and commitment of the individual and the team as the most important parametres when it comes to creating a sustainable company culture and at the same time secure profitability.
My foundation is broad and ranges from individualised services – activities that match your individual need and ambition - to defining need, designing and rolling out international corporate programs.
To ensure the greatest possible conversion of your training to the desired behavior, activities are structured around a 70-20-10 mindset. This means that the combination of learning elements is aimed at reflecting 10% on sessions and workshops, 20% of your learning is supported by dialogue with colleagues, leaders and the like. and the remaining 70% of activities are to be integrated into your daily work and preferably defined and aligned to your targets and ambitions.

For at sikre størst mulig konvertering af din træning til ønsket adfærd, arbejdes ud fra en 70-20-10 tankegang. Det betyder at kombinationen af læringselementer tilstræbes at afspejle 10 % på sessions/workshops, 20 % lænes op af dialog med kolleger, leder o.lign. og at 70 % skal integreres i det daglige arbejde og gerne konkretiseres i mål og ambitioner.​